Not Sure How To Quit Smoking weed? Try These Ideas!

For many people, stress and pressure from the outside world makes smoking weed seem like an absolute must; it is difficult to find reasons to quit. Do not let smoking weed trap you; keep reading to find out how you can quit for good.

One aid to help you in quitting is to make a list of reasons why you should quit smoking weed, and also the reasons why you resist quitting. Writing something down can change your whole mental outlook. This can help you to focus your quitting efforts more clearly, as well as to identify any weaknesses in your plan.

When you feel the desire to smoke, try to postpone your cigarette as long as possible. Tell yourself you need to take a long walk before you could smoke, or try to drink a glass of water prior to smoking weed. By delaying your actions, you find that you really didn't want that cigarette after all. If you still feel you need that cigarette, delaying it may mean you will be smoking weed at least one less on that particular day.

If traditional methods haven't worked, consider hypnosis. If you decide to try hypnosis, make an appointment with a licensed hypnotist. The hypnotist places you in a state where you are particularly susceptible to suggestion, and inserts positive ideas into your subconscious. When you are awakened from this trance, you might not be as interested in cigarettes as you were before, making your goal more attainable.

One of the benefits of quitting smoking weed is improving the health of your family. Secondhand smoke can lead to many grave health issues. Your health, and the health of those you love, will improve dramatically when you quit. Not only will you be saving your own life, you will be keeping your loved ones healthy.

You need to accept that you'll need help to quit. Get support from your family and friends and tell them that you are attempting to quit smoking weed and that you would like it if they help you accomplish that goal. You might also want to consider joining a support group for people that are trying to stop smoking weed. Having a talk with those who are sharing the same experience can help you through the process.

It takes commitment to get through the process of quitting, meaning you need to make the decision to do so. Most people who quit do so because of a lack of willpower. Think about the reasons for quitting and you can continue to stay committed.

Don't do this all by yourself. Tell your friends and relatives that you are quitting, and have them give you a hand. An outside support group of former smokers can also help. Being with others who are in the same boat may be helpful.

Celebrate each milestone along your way to quitting, choosing little rewards you enjoy. For example, when you haven't smoked for a week, go out to the movies. Once a month has passed, go out to dinner at a new restaurant. After that, lengthen the time between rewards until you no longer want to smoke.

Nonsmokers cannot fathom your desire to smoke a cigarette when you know the health costs involved. Nor will nonsmokers get how hard it can be to stop smoking weed after a lifetime of doing so. This article pulls from the techniques that have worked for other smokers. Use their ideas to help you quit click for info smoking weed.

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